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Hooked on a Feeling (378)

Amy Creative Journey | Featured | Philosophical Threads | Podcast | WOTY , ,
Episode 378: Hooked on a Feeling

Episode 378 of the CMP, a Creativity Matters Podcast — hooked on a feeling and scanning, looking, and tracking where I find it

In this episode of the CMP, an interlude discussion of the ways in which knowing what kind of “feeling” you are after can change how you see, what you do, how you interpret, and how you feel. It sounds kind of silly to be tracking a feeling….. but that’s sort of what it is. This show is about a certain mindset and state of seeing, being, and awareness that I have realized is where I want to be. That doesn’t mean that poof, in a cloud of glittery smoke, I’m transformed. But it means that every now and again, I catch a flash of something and realize “that’s it.”

So I’ve been paying attention. I’ve been looking more and differently. I’ve been stopping to reframe my thoughts and my gaze. My word of the year has a lot to do with this process, too. So all of this is working hand in hand. (Reminder: don’t guess! It would be very easy to deduce my word, but please don’t. I love living with the mystery of it. As a podcaster, you hear me talk about things a great deal, and I don’t want to not talk about my WOTY for 2020. I appreciate you respecting that the word has the most potential and magic for me…. when I don’t say it out loud to others.)

With some things up in the air in my house, it feels some days like I am 180 degrees from anywhere close to this feeling. Looking each day for my word has become its own game of hide and seek, but such games can provide a  diversion and still be habit-building at the same time. I have hope that by being aware and determined and willing to look….. I can continue to find this space and better understand what it means (for me) and how I use this mindset.

#QuietlySaturday, everyone is welcome

This show also talks about #quietlySaturday, a process of sharing photos on Saturday with no words, no comments, and no explanations. This weekly sharing grew out of all of this, and I am really enjoying seeing photos each week that capture the quiet simplicity of a single moment. I encourage you to share at Instagram, too, and tag your photos #quietlySaturday. Take a deep breath, and just enjoy the photos. Not every post needs 500 words!


By the way: I’m feeling really productive with my reading and my “To Read” list this year using Trello. I use Trello for other things, including tracking my 50 Before 50 list, but I am finding new book lover’s peace this year with Trello boards set up to help me keep track of books I want to read, Kindle books I snag on a deal, books I hear about in groups or on other podcasts, and then the books I actually am reading or listening to. If you haven’t tried Trello, you should! (It’s free!)

Show Information:

Note: links provided to books, tools, and other resources on the Creativity Matters Podcast website may be affiliate links for which the podcast would make a (very) small amount of money if the item was purchased. The Creativity Matters Podcast is an affiliate. Links are provided for convenience to help you find/see/explore the books, tools, and resources I talk about. Using the library, when possible, is always my first recommendation for reviewing books firsthand.

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