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Rainbow (387)

Amy 50 | Creative Journey | Featured | Philosophical Threads | Podcast
Episode 387: Rainbow

Episode 387 of the CMP, a Creativity Matters Podcast — make a rainbow

In this episode of the CMP, an unexpected rainbow, the addition of “make a rainbow” to my list, and then following through and (right) making a rainbow and taping it up in the window. Such a simple thing, but in these days of social distancing and shelter-in-place, some of the very simple things on my 50 Before 50 list are currently impossible. I can’t “go” to the next set of “stairs” on my list. I can’t go and walk around that space or that one. These very small “get out of the house” list items are not possible right now. It is possible that things will open up before my birthday. I really expect that to be the case, so I am not giving up on my list. But time is running out for even coming close to finishing the list, and a large percentage of things require me to be able to “go somewhere.” I had been carefully pacing the list so I didn’t finish too early. That has, at this point, backfired because there are too many things left to do. (Plus, there have been several weeks now of “stillness,” weeks in which  nothing has been crossed off.)

Some things have to shift. The rainbow sort of fell in my lap — or in my path. But it did so on the heels of a morning spent thinking about the list and evaluating the status of the things left to do. Seeing that rainbow on that morning after taking a cold, hard look at the ratio of finished to unfinished and the ratio of “in the house” to “out of the house” tasks left to do was one of those classic the-universe-is-speaking moments. Sure, a dozen or more people probably walked over that rainbow that morning before I did. But I walked over that rainbow with all of my 50 Before 50 year swimming in my head. Seeing that rainbow stretching ahead of me, and knowing that it was only by chance that I saw it,  was powerful. It was a jolt of whimsy and color and perspective and clarity.

The rainbow was a good, symbolic, meaningful, and whimsical addition to the list. It is totally in the spirit of the list. Even its core simplicity fits the ethos of the list. So, check.

I hope you consider making one as well.


Note: While pulling together the show notes for this episode, I ran across this story about “The Chalk Fairy” — you’re going to be really inspired by this: “Susan is known as the Chalk Fairy here in Northern Michigan. Every single day (Sun, Rain and snow) she leaves a message wherever she may be. ‘One day I was just like you know what? Maybe if I put this out there where other people can see it too – it will make someone feel better and it will make me feel better,’ says Susan.” “Chalk Fairy”: Local Woman Spreads Positivity with Chalk Art (the article is from 2019, but a quick look at her Facebook page shows she is still posting each day during the current pandemic, too) — Inspiring!

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A note about Trello: I’m feeling really productive with my reading and my “To Read” list this year using Trello. I use Trello for other things, including tracking my 50 Before 50 list, but I am finding new book lover’s peace this year with Trello boards set up to help me keep track of books I want to read, Kindle books I snag on a deal, books I hear about in groups or on other podcasts, and then the books I actually am reading or listening to. If you haven’t tried Trello, you should! (It’s free!)

Note: links provided to books, tools, and other resources on the Creativity Matters Podcast website may be affiliate links for which the podcast would make a (very) small amount of money if the item was purchased. The Creativity Matters Podcast is an affiliate. Links are provided for convenience to help you find/see/explore the books, tools, and resources I talk about. Using the library, when possible, is always my first recommendation for reviewing books firsthand.

2 thoughts on “Rainbow (387)

  1. I drew a quick rainbow the other day..minus indigo as I couldn’t find the indigo inktense crayon. The plan is now to create another for the kitchen window on the other side of my home..might even combine it with an inner prompting to create a simple art doll in paper.

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